The Fine Print
1) The content here is subject to stringent copyright -
you cannot lift it, re-use words, interviews, concepts or images
that appear here,
unless you:
A) - negotiate a huge payment directly with me, and
B) - I have also given you specific written authority allowing you to use it.
If you wish to refer to my work in your own media content, it is your legal responsibility to give full and appropriate attribution to me. For partisan columnists seeking to stifle my work, refer to Point 3 of this section.
2) The news and information that each post links to is not of personal interest to me unless it is reflexive and that is an obvious focus of the story. The linked stories are not written by me, and they already exist in the public domain. Any objection a reader may have with those hyper-linked stories should be taken up with the journalists that wrote them and publications that ran them.
Most of the posts here are analytical, and gather details from a number of random news sources. If a post is about you, and you feel the stories I've linked to do not represent your situation fairly or accurately, I'd be interested in hearing from you and you can provide alternative links which I will display so long as they don't break the law.
3a) If you are a powerful institution or person who doesn't want to appear in stories here - that is totally okay!
Most of the posts here are analytical, and gather details from a number of random news sources. If a post is about you, and you feel the stories I've linked to do not represent your situation fairly or accurately, I'd be interested in hearing from you and you can provide alternative links which I will display so long as they don't break the law.
3a) If you are a powerful institution or person who doesn't want to appear in stories here - that is totally okay!
Don't panic!
Just message me on Twitter @NewsDeadlines and state your case reasonably, and,
if it has any rational basis I will definitely take your views and concerns into consideration.
*Please be aware that any messages of such a nature will be shared here in lieu of, or in addition to, that original story.
You should remember that ssubsequent content I host here, or flak, may also draw the attention of 24/7 media outlets, who could possibly then publish more stories along those lines without my kindness, and considerate, agreeable nature.
3b) This blog has an anti-bullying policy.
Any party undertaking trolling, harassment or other anti-social activities will be reported to authorities, which may result in further action.