In The Public Interest
Posts here include a range of external links and original interview material gathered by standard sociological qualitative field research interviews, that constitute journalism methodologies.
Sources are a freelancers' lifeblood. I aim to manage my sources' information in a respectful and private manner. But, as we are living in the post-Snowden era, replete with authoritarian mass surveillance, highly sensitive information requires specific communications methods to ensure the safety of a source.
Please keep that in mind before picking up your home phone or leaving Twitter DMs (which are both unencrypted and hence privacy is limited). If sources have legitimate, sensitive information, the likelihood is that they will be aware of the risks and the best ways to navigate them to get your topics into the public domain.
Government workers and contractors of various levels of experience are welcome to contact me, and if you provide a credible background I will certainly consider writing about your issues. If you wish to comment anonymously about a featured government practise or policy, you are still very welcome, but you should probably first consider the degree of privacy you may need to protect your identity. I will do my level best to protect your privacy.
Whistleblowers of every variety invariably draw fire from the surveillance community. So, anticipate that flak and read up on your past favourite disclosure cases in your context (is the contact between you and your journalist local, interstate or international?), and, figure out the least risky way to disclose that info.
I try my best to consider the diverse communications needs of my sources. So, if you have communications challenges such as a hearing impairment, or, you are culturally and linguistically diverse, or you have some other type of physical challenge that demands extra help to enable your constitutionally implied right to freedom of expression and political participation, please let me know and I will find a solution. Some are outlined at the end of this page.
The stories here aim to be public oriented, rather than meagre, churnalistic endorsement of powerful interests - or the emergent rather 'developmental' model. This is a reflection of journalism's overarching public interest ethic. I am chiefly interested in the people's relationship to power and politics; "through darkness to light".
Sources are a freelancers' lifeblood. I aim to manage my sources' information in a respectful and private manner. But, as we are living in the post-Snowden era, replete with authoritarian mass surveillance, highly sensitive information requires specific communications methods to ensure the safety of a source.
Please keep that in mind before picking up your home phone or leaving Twitter DMs (which are both unencrypted and hence privacy is limited). If sources have legitimate, sensitive information, the likelihood is that they will be aware of the risks and the best ways to navigate them to get your topics into the public domain.
Government workers and contractors of various levels of experience are welcome to contact me, and if you provide a credible background I will certainly consider writing about your issues. If you wish to comment anonymously about a featured government practise or policy, you are still very welcome, but you should probably first consider the degree of privacy you may need to protect your identity. I will do my level best to protect your privacy.
Whistleblowers of every variety invariably draw fire from the surveillance community. So, anticipate that flak and read up on your past favourite disclosure cases in your context (is the contact between you and your journalist local, interstate or international?), and, figure out the least risky way to disclose that info.
I try my best to consider the diverse communications needs of my sources. So, if you have communications challenges such as a hearing impairment, or, you are culturally and linguistically diverse, or you have some other type of physical challenge that demands extra help to enable your constitutionally implied right to freedom of expression and political participation, please let me know and I will find a solution. Some are outlined at the end of this page.
The stories here aim to be public oriented, rather than meagre, churnalistic endorsement of powerful interests - or the emergent rather 'developmental' model. This is a reflection of journalism's overarching public interest ethic. I am chiefly interested in the people's relationship to power and politics; "through darkness to light".
Today, I have some snappy qualifications. But, the reason for that was because there are a lot of tricky issues that get avoided or missed in mainstream news, for lack of awareness and training.
If any reader would like to raise an issue they think is newsworthy and important, or if anyone would like to give further info regarding an existing story, feel free to message me on Twitter: @NewsDeadlines
The views and concerns of readers with communications challenges are very important to me. I have an Auslan interpreter and if you would like to send a short video message you may do so via DM or tweets @NewsDeadlines For people who speak a language other than English(LOTE), please feel free to message me in French, Italian or Spanish. I have also provided a translate button on my sidebar, but I won't be writing any content in LOTE.